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Open up to the Power of  Your Sacred Sexuality

The Power that every woman holds within her. 

The power to overcome and rise above all that is holding you back! 


We are all feeling it lately, to some degree. Tired, emotionally drained, and sometimes physically exhausted. 

Why?  What is going on?

We do our best to maintain our roles as mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, friends, employees, employers, entrepreneurs, teachers, caregivers. â€‹We may ask ourselves "But if not me, then who? 


The world is in turmoil.  So many are suffering.  So, we may think “who am I to feel this way, when there is so much suffering in this world.  My suffering is insignificant in comparison to what some others are going through."


Here's the thing, each person comes into this world with all the wisdom within us.  Sometimes we just need some assistance to remember and open up  and to learn how to use the alchemy of the wisdom within us. â€‹


​It is not always easy to find support or even an understanding ear to confide in,

especially if we don't even know that we have a choice, that we NEED support. 

Heck, is that even 'allowed"... to feel overwhelmed by our lives, our 'duties,' our feelings as women??.  


 I think most of us have heard and read the many ways to incorporate self-love and self-care into our lives. They seem to be the latest in buzzwords for women lately.  Self-care and self-love are important, of course, and a good place to start.


​ What if we could help the suffering of the world by overcoming our own suffering, by simply connecting and honouring our body and soul in a sacred way? 

By sharing the energy that we create through our own healing?


Sound too good to be true?  Even mystical or magical? It’s not.  It is our natural state.  We have just forgotten.


It is time for more. More freedom.  More liberation from suffering.


It is time to MOVE FORWARD and live the lives we know we deserve! 



If you want to:













  • Be able to not only find some peace, but find JOY in our Life!

  • Overcome feelings and emotions of guilt and shame.

  • Find the energy and time to fuel up your own tank, so you have energy to share.

  • Overcome the effects of trauma and how it is impacting your ability to live your life to the fullest.

  • Feel supported and understood.

  • Create a Sacred Sexual practice for yourself that generates healing and the power to overcome obstacles.

  • Help heal the planet.

​​You are Ready!


Reach out for a private, confidential, and no-cost consultation.

(Sessions are available anywhere you live in the world via ZOOM or

in-person in Manitoba, Canada.)


Let's Focus on Solutions and Results,

moving forward and overcoming the blocks that can hold us back,

So we can Live here & now!

Please note:   If you are not a Yoni owner, but identify as a woman, please reach out to me, as I work with all gender identities to help you find YOUR Power Within!

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