Your Path to Healing, Transformation,
and Evolution
Overcome, Heal, Transform!
Overcoming Anxiety, Depression, sexual issues, and finding a better way to deal with Stress.
One-on-one Coaching Sessions and courses are tailored to meet your unique needs and situation.
In-office or via secure, private video, I provide a safe and nurturing space or 'container', where you can share freely and receive counseling without fear or shame.
Sessions may include any, or all of the following:
Simple ways to get into the present moment and be present in your body.
Loving yourself and your body and feeling vibrant and sexy.
Learning solo and partner Tantra practices.
5-Element practices
Healing and overcoming sexual dysfunction.
Overcoming the effects of trauma.
Overcoming or learning to better deal with emotional issues.
Overcoming the effects of childhood abuse or trauma.
Breathwork and visualization for relaxing, assisting with sleep, or energizing you!
Help with the effects of PTSD.
Becoming Multi-orgasmic (Yes! Male and Female bodies!)
Attracting a partner
Healing relationships.
Energy, sound, and somatic healing sessions..
Learning to share Tantric Energy with a partner!
How to create a safe space for connection and communication with your partner.
Overcoming issues within the relationship.
Advanced sessions or courses include learning Couples Tantra Massage, including Yoni or Lingam Massage.
Personal Growth & Evolution
Personal Transformational Course
This course is developed for you personally, to address and work with your individual needs and goals.
Optional Energy and Somatic Healing sessions
Optional Instruction on Tantric Massage with a partner with Yoni or Lingam massage (silicone genital model).
2 -30 minute phone or video follow-up sessions
Ongoing personalized coaching and counseling via email, phone, or text throughout the course
All pertinent materials digitally (email) including 6 x MP3 visualizations/meditations, diagrams, instructions.
8 Sessions - 60-90 minutes
Investment in yourself: $875.00
Virtual Transformational Course (ZOOM or MS Teams):
Personalized Teaching, Instruction, Coaching, and Counseling in areas listed above and may include any of the following:
How to be your own somatic healer
Optional instruction on Tantric massage with either Yoni Massage or Lingam massage with a partner.
2 - 15 minute follow-up sessions.
Ongoing personalized coaching and counseling via email or text throughout the course.
Personal Tantra kit (emailed) including practice journal with instructions and diagrams, product links.
One year of coaching and counselling via phone, text, or email after course has ended.
All materials including 6 x MP3 visualizations/meditations, diagrams, pdf instructions and techniques, links to products, and more!
8 Sessions of approximately 60 minutes each
Investment in Yourself: $560
Transcendent Partner Coaching Programs
In-Person - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Couples Coaching, and Counseling in the areas listed above under Overcome...
Instruction on the 5-Element Tantric teachings and how to use them together for connection, healing and Pleasure.
In addition to the areas listed above, sessions also include:
Couples counselling and coaching sessions
Optional Couples Tantra Massage instruction sessions
Optional Energy and Somatic healing sessions by Alana
2 (1 each) private solo 60 minute coaching/counseling sessions
2 x 30 minute Live Virtual/Video Follow-up Sessions
Ongoing personalized coaching and counseling throughout the course via phone, email, text.
One year of follow-up coaching and counselling via phone, text, or email after course has ended. (Either or both partners)
A personalized Couples Tantra Kit including 2 practice journals with printed materials, and juicy products.
All materials in digital, including visualizations/meditations (6 x MP3), diagrams, pdf instructions and techniques via email.
10 sessions of approximately 1.5 hours each.
Investment in Yourself & Relationship: $1,300.00
More details provided upon private consultation. Contact below.

Virtual Partner Program Anywhere (ZOOM/MS Teams)
Couples Coaching, and Counseling in the areas listed above,
Instruction on the 5-Element Tantric teachings and how to use them together
for connection, healing and Pleasure.
Couples counselling and coaching sessions (see above in HEALING)
Optional instruction for Tantric Massage including Yoni and/or Lingam massage
2 (1 each) - solo personal, private coaching sessions without partner.
2 x 30 minute follow-up sessions.
Ongoing personalized coaching and counseling through email, phone, or text during the course.
One year of follow-up coaching and counselling after course has ended.
All materials pertinent to these sessions including 6 x MP3 audio visualizations/meditations, diagrams, instructions and product links via email.
10 sessions of approximately 1 hour each.
Investment in Yourself & Your Relationship: $800
Please note that prices listed are subject to change without notice.
What can a Tantra Practice do for You?
Become more Confident!
Feel Vibrant & Sexy!
Retain and Enhance your Sexual Chi!
Gain some major tools for your intimacy and sexual "toolbox!"
Become Multi-orgasmic (male bodies too)!
Better understand and deal with Stress and Anxiety!
Overcome Emotional and Sexual issues.
Discover the Divine in a Spiritual and Sexual Practice!
Embrace Pleasure and find more Joy in your Life!